Nigerian’s Energy Focus must Change from Crude Oil to Gas

According to the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC),
Nigeria has the world’s 9th largest natural gas reserves (192 TCF of gas reserves). As at 2018, Nigeria exported over 1tcf of gas as Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to several countries. However domestically, we produce less than 4,000MW of power for over 180million people. Think about this – imagine every Nigerian holding a 20W light bulb, that’s how much power we generate in Nigeria.


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It is time now to embrace a paradigm shift, and change Nigeria’s energy focus squarely from oil to gas….

In comparison, South Africa generates 42,000MW of power for a population of 57 million. We have the capacity to produce over 2 million Metric Tonnes of fertilizer (primarily urea) per year but we still import fertilizer. The Federal Government’s initiative to rejuvenate the agriculture sector is definitely the right thing to do for our economy, but fertilizer must be readily available to support the industry. Why do we import fertilizer when we have so much gas?

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